Items /Heavy Duty Packaging Cord

Heavy Duty Packaging Cord

Heavy Duty Packaging Cord - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
Cord developed by the Old Moon Guild that is used when packaging a large quantity of items. You can pack 10 portions of materials together when you use this cord on Imperial Cuisine or Imperial Alchemy boxes. ※ Requirement: Cooking Box: Obtain Carolin's Expert Packaging Skills (Cooking) Knowledge At least Processing Artisan 1 Alchemy Box: Obtain Carolin's Expert Packaging Skills (Alchemy) Knowledge At least Processing Artisan 1 ※ You can obtained the Knowledge mentioned here by completing a quest with Carolin in Heidel, Serendia. You must be at least Processing Artisan 1 to accept her quests.
- Buy Price: 1,000