NPCs /Friendly /Shadow Grave

Shadow Grave

Shadow Grave - BDO
  • Level: 32
  • HP: 704
  • Damage Reduction: 10
  • Evasion: 256
  • Accuracy: 303
  • EXP: 38,904
  • Karma: 50
- Respawn Time(s):
  • 120s
AP Caps:
  • AP: 999 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 999 Applied: 3%
  • Stun: 9.1%
  • Knock Back: 9.1%
  • Knock Down: 9.1%
  • Bound: 9.1%
- Description:
The Shadow Knights secretly infiltrated the Watchtower Underground and have been operating there for a long time. Their purpose is unknown, but rumor among the soldiers has it that Cliff killed the chief of the Shadow Knights when he was cutting off the bridge connected to the Watchtower in the past.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction:
Shadow Knight Master's Grave
Shadow Knight Master's Grave