BackQuests /Exploration /[Elvia Weekly] Minions of Nightmaresshare[Elvia Weekly] Minions of NightmaresQuest Type: Family Quest - Description: Brolina's royal guard claims that we must stop the corruption of Hadum upon Calpheon at all costs. Go deal with the minions pouring out of the Rift of Despair. ※ This quest will reset every Thursday after midnight. - First Quest in Chain: [Elvia Daily] Anomalies at Saunil Camp - Previous Quest in Chain: [Elvia Weekly] Gigagord - Accept NPC: Brolina's Guard - Complete NPC: Brolina's Guard- Complete Conditions: Completion Target: Brolina's GuardDefeat the Shadows of Nightmares - Required Action: Kill 20 monsters from this list:CharpeneCalestraKitskala - Quest Rewards: 300 Contribution Experience10x Powder of NightmareAccept Conditions:conditionNames.checkfieldtypeHave character level>59Have quest completed:[Elvia] Unwelcome AidConditionsQuest ChainComments
Brolina's royal guard claims that we must stop the corruption of Hadum upon Calpheon at all costs. Go deal with the minions pouring out of the Rift of Despair. ※ This quest will reset every Thursday after midnight.