Knowledge /Tales of the Origin I

Tales of the Origin I

Tales of the Origin I - BDO
  • Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III
- Description:
The Dragon Labreska, scourge of all Dragonkind. She devoured the hearts of her kin and thus reigned over the Golden Mountain. Long into her rule, and with all who would seek to challenge her slain, a flame appeared. Was this a trick of the gods, or a test? And so it was that Labreska came to possess the god-consuming flame, Ynix, She used this flame to challenge the authority of those gods. But she underestimated them. They tore from her body all wing and all limb, and wrought eternal winter upon Golden Mountain so its name and glory would be forever lost. It was in this pitiful state that Labreska experienced her ‘first death,‘ laying herself to rest in the Haven of Slumbering Origin, the flame nestled deep in her heart. But, from Labreska's first death seven beings awoke who, in the village below the mount, came to be known as the Seven Witches of Everfrost. - Excerpt from Silverfrond's Journal -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest] - Mountain of Eternal Winter
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