NPCs /Monster /Catfishman Rotten Fish

Catfishman Rotten Fish

Catfishman Rotten Fish - BDO
  • Level: 50
  • HP: 1,588
  • Damage Reduction: 10
  • Evasion: 449
  • Accuracy: 554
  • EXP: 135,621
  • Karma: 75
  • Knowledge Drop Chance: 10%
AP Caps:
  • AP: 999 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 999 Applied: 3%
  • Stun: 12.48%
  • Knock Back: 12.48%
  • Knock Down: 12.48%
  • Bound: 12.48%
- Description:
A Rotten Fish Tower made by Catfishmen. It can detect and attack intruders. It remains a subject of much speculation how a bunch of rotten fish hanging from a wooden tower can function in such a way. Obviously some kind of mysterious power is involved.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction:
Catfishman Rotten Fish
Catfishman Rotten Fish