NPCs /Friendly /Rahel Anton

Rahel Anton

Rahel Anton - BDO
  • Level: 99
  • <Node Management>
  • HP: 10,000
  • Damage Reduction: 2
  • Evasion: 2
  • Accuracy: 1
AP Caps:
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
- Description:
Rahel is often teased by others in the Sausan Garrison. Though a Rhutum, people rarely see him take advantage of his strength and he speaks rather timidly and inarticulately. However, those who know him well are very aware of how strong he is and what he has done for the Sausan Garrison.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction:
Rahel Anton
Rahel Anton