Pearl Offers /Pet /Pet /[Black Friday] Wizard Gosphy x1

[Black Friday] Wizard Gosphy x1

[Black Friday] Wizard Gosphy x1 - BDO
- Description:
[Black Friday] Wizard Gosphy x1 ※ Contains: - Wizard Gosphy x1 ※ Details: Picks up items every 4 sec and increases aggro. Aggro every 4 sec. ※ You can exchange this pet with any other pet except Wizard Gosphy, Young Crimson Dragon, Nouvermon, and Pit-A-Pat Mole. ※ Exchanging your pet will grant you a higher chance to get a higher tier pet. Exchanging Tier 1 Pet: 10% higher chance than other pets Exchanging Tier 2 and Tier 3 Pet: 5% higher chance than other pets ※ Wizard Gosphy's appearance cannot be inherited. ※ Talent: Normal and Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance ※ Cannot be registered on the Central Market. ※ Shared by the entire Family.
- Products:
- Cost:

Pearls: 1,650

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