Quests /[Event] Wanted! Naughty Dog

[Event] Wanted! Naughty Dog

[Event] Wanted! Naughty Dog - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Melissa Brady's Naughty Dogs are all lost. She's worried they might have gotten into trouble. Kill monsters all over the world to find the clues about the Naughty Dogs. ※ This quest is a part of a two-quest set where you can only choose one quest to proceed with. You can accept the other quest if you give up this one.
- First Quest in Chain:
Heidel's Northern Highland
Heidel's Northern Highland
- Previous Quest in Chain:
Selling Trade Goods to Moretti Farm
Selling Trade Goods to Moretti Farm
- Next Quest in Chain:
[Event] Cat Missing
[Event] Cat Missing
- Accept NPC:
Melissa Brady
Melissa Brady
- Complete NPC:
Melissa Brady
Melissa Brady
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Melissa Brady
Give Clues about Naughty Dog
- Required Action:
- Quest Rewards:

Accept Conditions:

Have character level
Don't Have quest accepted:
[Event] Cat Missing
[Event] Cat Missing
Don't Have quest completed:
[Event] Cat Missing
[Event] Cat Missing
0 / 1000 characters