BackGrindspots /Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper)shareGyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper)Recommended AP: 250Recommended DP: 320 - Affiliated Nodes: Gyfin Rhasia Temple - Monsters: Gyfin Rhasia GuardGyfin Rhasia DecimatorGyfin Rhasia FlamenGyfin Rhasia CrusherGyfin Rhasia Statue of EarthGyfin Rhasia Tower of CarnageGyfin Rhasia Tower of TransfusionMap LocationsCommentsItem Drops 16Monsters at Grindspot 7Grindspot part of nodes 1Titles obtained at Grindspot 612NameFragment of Bronze ArtifactLemoria HelmetLemoria ArmorLemoria GlovesLemoria ShoesTungrad BeltDestruction Spirit StoneKrogdalo's Origin StoneSwaying Wind ShardRumbling Earth ShardPure Forest BreathAncient Spirit DustCaphras StoneKehelle's Artifact - Black Spirit's Rage Max IncreaseForest Fury1NameGyfin Rhasia GuardGyfin Rhasia DecimatorGyfin Rhasia FlamenGyfin Rhasia CrusherGyfin Rhasia Statue of EarthGyfin Rhasia Tower of CarnageGyfin Rhasia Tower of Transfusion1NameGyfin Rhasia Temple1NameBold, Not BaldCan You Handle Me? Really?Thug LifeGyfin-dorI'm a Tough Gy-finEnder of Civilizations