BackGrindspots /Erethea's LimboshareErethea's LimboRecommended AP: 250Recommended DP: 320 - Affiliated Nodes: Mountain of Eternal Winter - Monsters: ErekhantusErekhantusErekhantusErekhantusTreasure ChestErebjorkErebjork's EmissaryMap LocationsCommentsItem Drops 18Monsters at Grindspot 7Grindspot part of nodes 1Titles obtained at Grindspot 212NameHeavenly Essence - Ignore Knockback ResistanceHeavenly Essence - Ignore Knockdown ResistanceHeavenly Essence - Ignore Grapple ResistanceHeavenly Essence - Ignore Stun ResistanceOuk Pill of Time and TideEssence of InsightStarlit Jade's BreathAncient Magic Crystal of Nature - Fighting SpiritAncient Magic Crystal of Nature - SturdinessAncient Magic Crystal of Nature - GiantAncient Magic Crystal of Nature - AdamantineBlack StoneEvergrowing ScaleFlame of FrostEmbers of Frost1NameErekhantusErekhantusErekhantusErekhantusTreasure ChestErebjorkErebjork's Emissary1NameMountain of Eternal Winter1NameReturn to SlumberDreadwinter Guardian