BackGrindspots /Ash Forest [Dehkia's Lantern]shareAsh Forest [Dehkia's Lantern]Recommended AP: 310Recommended DP: 400 - Affiliated Nodes: Ash Forest - Monsters: Ghost of Ash ForestVolkrasBarnasGairasMap LocationsCommentsItem Drops 9Monsters at Grindspot 4Grindspot part of nodes 1Titles obtained at Grindspot 41NameForgotten Limbo SealTrace of NatureTainted Specter's ClothDeboreka NecklaceBlack StoneQuturan's Left LungQuturan's Black LeafCaphras StoneKehelle's Artifact - Max Stamina1NameGhost of Ash ForestVolkrasBarnasGairas1NameAsh Forest1NameDestroyer of ShacklesAsh Forest ArtistDumped by CrystalTotem Pole