BackGrindspots /Cyclops LandshareCyclops LandRecommended AP: 100Recommended DP: 220 - Affiliated Nodes: Longleaf Tree Sentry Post - Monsters: CyclopsElkYoung ElkFemale ElkBaby GargoyleGrass Root NymphFire Root NymphEarth Root NymphMutant GargoyleCyclopsCyclops Food Drying StandTreasure Chamber of One-Eyed GiantMap LocationsCommentsItem Drops 9Monsters at Grindspot 12Grindspot part of nodes 1Titles obtained at Grindspot 31NameCursed FangHuge SpearCorrupt CrystalTalis EarringToken of FriendshipAncient Magic Crystal - CarmaeAncient Magic Crystal - AddisBlack StoneAncient Spirit Dust1NameCyclopsElkYoung ElkFemale ElkBaby GargoyleGrass Root NymphFire Root NymphEarth Root NymphMutant GargoyleCyclopsCyclops Food Drying StandTreasure Chamber of One-Eyed Giant1NameLongleaf Tree Sentry Post1NameSize Doesn't MatterEye StabberMindless Monster