Items /Life Tools /Alchemy/Cooking /Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool

Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool

Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool - BDO

Weight: 60 LT

- Description:
A Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool that can reconstruct the components of a substance. - It can be installed in a residence. - Alchemy time decreases by 1 sec -How to Repair: Press the ‘Repair‘ button of the Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool installed in your residence, which will consume Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Repair Tool x1 in your inventory to repair all of its durability. - Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Repair Tool can be exchanged through the following NPCs in the Land of the Morning Light for a Morning Light Traditional Alchemy Tool x1. Dalhoon Sarang Old Man Sangcheol
- Buy Price: 3,000,000
- Sell Price: 63,000