Items /Alchemy Stone /Spirit /Sharp Spirit Stone of Protection

Sharp Spirit Stone of Protection

Sharp Spirit Stone of Protection - BDO

Weight: 0.05 LT

- Description:
Sharp spirit stone of protection produced through alchemy. It cannot be used if the spirit is used up. - Effect: All Damage Reduction +8 All Evasion +10 Max HP +140 - How to Use: ) to use. You can use it along with Alchemy/Spirit Stone of Life. - Duration: 5 min - Cooldown: 5 min - Use Grinding in the Processing window ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) to get Alchemy Stone Shard. - How to Obtain: It can be obtained through Spirit Stone of Protection Alchemical Formula if you are at least Alchemy Mastery 500.
Item Gives Knowledge:
- Durability:
- Buy Price: 4,000,000
- Sell Price: 400,000