Items /Quturan's Test

Quturan's Test

Quturan's Test - BDO

Weight: 0.02 LT

- Description:
The battle with Francesca Seric for the title Queen of Thorns will be held soon before the young Quturan. Interact with the young Quturan to call out Francesca Seric. Only available during the quest [Nova Awakening] Memories' End. ※ You cannot attack the summoned Francesca Seric on servers with Node/Conquest Wars in progress. ※ Francesca Seric cannot be summoned while another Francesca Seric is present. ※ A party cannot be formed while summoning Francesca Seric. ※ The party leader cannot be delegated if Francesca Seric has already been summoned. ※ Francesca Seric will disappear after 10 min of idleness or in 30 min after being summoned. ※ There's no penalty for death while fighting Francesca Seric.
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