Items /Design: Flondor Blessed Chair

Design: Flondor Blessed Chair

Design: Flondor Blessed Chair - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
A design for a blessed chair upon which the spectator of the first-ever performance of the wondrous Atanis instruments sat. Philiberto LiPonti hid the chair away, but since the true owner of it has been found, he now he wants to let the world know of the chair. - Usage: Used to craft a [Manor] Flondor Blessed Chair in a Lv. 5 Furniture Workshop. - Crafting Materials Design: Flondor Blessed Chair x1 Flondor Snow White Chair x1 Flondor Snow White Stand x1 ※ Once you finish crafting all six concert hall pieces for your manor, you can exchange 150 Energy for an additional design from Stella.
- Buy Price: 1,000,000