Knowledge /Adonna's Card: The Romantic Troupe

Adonna's Card: The Romantic Troupe

Adonna's Card: The Romantic Troupe - BDO
  • Category: Wanderer's Star
- Description:
‘An empty Thornflower Throne, a Romantic Troupe dancing around it without a care for the indecipherable books or imposing soldiers around it. This tells you to let go of whatever is bothering you at the moment and to just relax! You'll be sick if you trudge on with this hard work! So, go play! Make music on the roofs of Velia until the residents complain, fish on a tiny boat, put your life savings into fixing up a house...whatever it is will make you feel like a new person!‘ - Adonna Rioblanc-
Over Lv. 30, visit a gossip in each major city's tavern. There is a mysterious head astrologist at Nadia Rowen's tavern in Olvia...
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