Knowledge /Tungrad's Records #1

Tungrad's Records #1

Tungrad's Records #1 - BDO
  • Category: Turasil's Legacy Adventure Log II
- Description:
Records of the Tungrad School discovered in the Crypt of Resting Thoughts. They dabbled with the Black Spirit's Rage, and every test sought to take it to the next level... and then the next. And yet, their thirst for power was never quenched... Eventually, they crossed a line that should never have been crossed. - Azure Mantis
Can be obtained through [Quest] Crypt of Resting Thoughts Thornwood Watchers and Azure Manti are studying skills of the Tungrad School.
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Azure Mantis
Azure Mantis
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Tungrad School
Tungrad School
Azure Mantis
Azure Mantis
Have quest accepted:
Tungrad School
Tungrad School
Azure Mantis
Azure Mantis
Have quest accepted:
Tungrad School
Tungrad School
Azure Mantis
Azure Mantis
Have quest accepted:
Tungrad School
Tungrad School