Knowledge /The Pope and the Pauper

The Pope and the Pauper

The Pope and the Pauper - BDO
  • Category: Serendia Adventure Log IV
- Description:
Some days after the magnificent papal inauguration, the Pope was on a palanquin and noticed a beggar. The beggar didn't seem to care much about the Pope's presence. The Pope asked the beggar, ‘Everyone wants to kneel and beg me to pray for them. Why don't you?‘ The Pauper replied, ‘I don't care who you are. Why should I cringe for you?‘ ‘Will you bow if I give you a half of my fortune?‘ ‘Even with that much money, I still won't be rich like you.‘ ‘And if I were to give you all the fortune I have?‘ The Pauper answered, wryly, ‘Then you'll be broke and I'll be rich. Why would I cringe for the likes of you?‘
Can be obtained through [Amity] Befriend Melissa Brady, the pet trainer next to Gold Toad Inn in Heidel, and then she will tell you a really fun story.
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The Pope and the Pauper
The Pope and the Pauper