Knowledge /Rights and Shadows

Rights and Shadows

Rights and Shadows - BDO
  • Category: Politics I
- Description:
Including a Citizen Representative in Kalis Parliament looked like a gesture indicating they were listening to the voices of the lower class. It was supposed to be a window through which people could call for social justice. Kalis does give equal speech rights to all members. But Giovan Grolin's opinion has had little effect on the decisions made since he entered. At this stage it is inevitable that friction can only increase between the disappointed citizens and the nobles, who like things just the way they are.
Citizens' Side
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Giovan Grolin
Giovan Grolin
Don't Have knowledge:
Rights and Shadows
Rights and Shadows
Giovan Grolin
Giovan Grolin
Have amity:
Giovan Grolin
Giovan Grolin
Don't Have knowledge:
Rights and Shadows
Rights and Shadows
Don't Have quest accepted:
A Figurehead Citizen Representative
A Figurehead Citizen Representative