NPCs /Friendly /Lotz Pavarotti

Lotz Pavarotti

Lotz Pavarotti - BDO
  • Level: 99
  • <Imperial Crafting Delivery>
  • HP: 10,000
  • Damage Reduction: 1
  • Evasion: 38
  • Accuracy: 15
AP Caps:
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
- Description:
Imperial Crafting Delivery manager in Olvia. As the eldest son of the Pavarotti family, Lotz is managing the delivery of imperial craft goods under an official permission from Calpheon. He does not express it much, but he secretly wants to move to Calpheon.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction:
Lotz Pavarotti
Lotz Pavarotti