NPCs /Friendly /Hyacinth


Hyacinth - BDO
  • Level: 99
  • <Stable Keeper>
  • HP: 10,000
  • Damage Reduction: 1
  • Evasion: 38
  • Accuracy: 15
AP Caps:
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
- Description:
Hyacinth is a Stable Keeper at Grána City. Hyacinth is a Demibeast who loves horses and enjoys taking care of them. He is constantly wondering when he can finally retire and live a peaceful life. He believes that happiness is living a carefree life, and dislikes anything too complicated or having to worry about what others might think of him. Therefore, he likes telling jokes and playing word games, even with complete strangers.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction: