NPCs /Friendly /Adish


Adish - BDO
  • Level: 99
  • <Node Management>
  • HP: 10,000
  • Damage Reduction: 2
  • Evasion: 2
  • Accuracy: 1
AP Caps:
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
  • AP: 300 Applied: 3%
- Description:
Adish is one of the Shroud Knights that were rescued after capture by the Sausans. They were held for nearly 40 days, as they were captive until the very death of the Gladiator near the end of power struggle between the Sausans and the Altinovans. There were five other knights but the survivors were only two, including Adish.
Gives Knowledge on Interaction:
0 / 1000 characters
Mediah Shore
Mediah Shore
Don't have node explored:
Mediah Shore
Mediah Shore
Mediah Shore
Mediah Shore
Don't Have knowledge:
Mediah Shore
Mediah Shore
Node Registration: Mediah Shore
Node Registration: Mediah Shore
Don't have node explored:
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Mediah Shore