Pearl Offers /Mount /Misc /Celestial Horse Calling Horn

Celestial Horse Calling Horn

Celestial Horse Calling Horn - BDO
- Description:
Celestial Horse Calling Horn ※ Contains: - Celestial Horse Calling Horn (Permanent) x1 ※ Details: A calling horn containing the cry of Krogdalo, king of the Celestial Horses. - You now have infinite range when calling your mount. - You cannot call a wagon or ship. - You cannot call mounts carrying trade items. - You cannot use this item in regions where mounts aren't available. - Binds to character upon use - Cannot be registered on the Central Market. - You cannot open this item if you already have an expirable Trainer's Flute or Celestial Horse Calling Horn active.
- Cost:

Pearls: 2,250

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