Pearl Offers /Apparel /Underwear /[Valkyrie] Dangerously Adorable

[Valkyrie] Dangerously Adorable

[Valkyrie] Dangerously Adorable - BDO
- Description:
[Valkyrie] Rabbit Underwear ※ Contains: - [Valkyrie] Rabbit Underwear x1 ※ Details: - Underwear for Valkyrie. Luck +1 - Each level of Luck increases Item Drop Rate by 2.5%. - Luck will be applied up to a maximum of 5 levels. (Max Item Drop Rate 12.5%) - Wearing certain outfits will hide your stockings. - To display only the underwear, press the Show Underwear button in the Equipment window while in a safe zone
- Cost:

Pearls: 700

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