Pearl Offers /Mount /Ship /Belle Epoque Rowboat Set

Belle Epoque Rowboat Set

Belle Epoque Rowboat Set - BDO
- Description:
Belle Epoque Rowboat Set ※ Contains: - Belle Epoque Hull x1 - Belle Epoque Ship Cargo Container x1 - Belle Epoque Prow x1 - Belle Epoque Decoration x1 ※ Bonus: - Ship License: Rowboat x1 ※ Details: - Changes the appearance of your rowboat (Rowboat and Calpheon Rowboat only). It's coated with special paint, which reduces water resistance, increases speed, and increases weight limit. Hull: Movement Speed +1% Cargo Container: Weight Limit +60LT Decoration: All DP +15 Prow: Turn +2%
- Cost:

Pearls: 2,000

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