Pearl Offers /Function /Inventory /[Event] Morco's Gear Bag (8 Slots)

[Event] Morco's Gear Bag (8 Slots)

[Event] Morco's Gear Bag (8 Slots) - BDO
- Description:
[Event] Morco's Gear Bag (8 Slots) ※ Contains: - Morco's Gear Bag x1 ※ Details: - Click RMB to open Morco's Gear Bag. - You can put in gear your character can wear, but not outfits or costumes. - You cannot change the order of the items inside the bag. - Press the ‘Change‘ button or add to a Quick Slot to use. - If there is an item left in the bag, you cannot put the bag into storage. - Fishing equipment (Fishing Rod, Harpoon, Float) cannot be placed in the bag. - If a gear occupies multiple gear slots (e.g. Trina Demolition Axe, Matchlocks), the corresponding gear slots must be empty to use this bag to swap gear. - Expirable items cannot be placed in the bag. - Only usable when in non-combat stance.
- Products:
- Cost:

Pearls: 1,200

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