Pearl Offers /Travel Aid /Other Packs /[Gamescom] Glorious Shudad Pack (Shai)

[Gamescom] Glorious Shudad Pack (Shai)

[Gamescom] Glorious Shudad Pack (Shai) - BDO
- Description:
[Gamescom] Glorious Shudad Pack (Shai) ※ Contains: - [Shai] Glorious Shudad Classic Set x1 - Shudad's Courier x1 - Value Pack (30 days) x1 - Blessing of Kamasylve (15 Days) x1 - Secret Book of Old Moon (15 Days) x1 ※ Bonus: - Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) x5 - Blessed Message Scroll (100 min) x5 - Apparel 20% DC Coupon x1 ※ Details: - Click on the outfit to see how it will look on your character. - The coupon must be registered within 3 days of receipt, and, once registered in the coupon book, must be used within 7 days. - Hover your mouse over each item for more details. - Shudad's Courier Type: RARE
- Cost:

Pearls: 8,000

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