Quests /General /Chuck Laurie the Hunter

Chuck Laurie the Hunter

Chuck Laurie the Hunter - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Velia chef David Finto says Chuck Laurie, who has been supplying the meat to him, has gone missing and asks you to go look for him. Look for Chuck Laurie in the Balenos Mountains.
- First Quest in Chain:
Chuck Laurie the Hunter
Chuck Laurie the Hunter
- Next Quest in Chain:
[Daily] Easy Game
[Daily] Easy Game
- Accept NPC:
David Finto
David Finto
- Complete NPC:
Chuck Laurie
Chuck Laurie
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Chuck Laurie
Meet Chuck Laurie in the Balenos Mountains and deliver the message from David Finto
- Required Action:
Chuck Laurie
Chuck Laurie

Accept Conditions:

Have character level