Quests /[Event] Spooky Tale

[Event] Spooky Tale

[Event] Spooky Tale - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Captain Moguly said there are rumors of a mysterious phantom ship coming from Margoria appeared at the Terrmian Cliff and seems to have been reeled in by some unknown force. He asked you to identify if there is any truth to this rumor. Light up some Pure Powder Reagent and ignite the beacon tower located on the reef. ※ This quest is available only once per Family per day and resets everyday at midnight (server time).
- First Quest in Chain:
[Event] Spooky Tale
[Event] Spooky Tale
- Next Quest in Chain:
[Event] Reward for Valor
[Event] Reward for Valor
- Accept NPC:
Captain Moguly
Captain Moguly
- Complete NPC:
Terrmian Beacon Tower
Terrmian Beacon Tower
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Terrmian Beacon Tower
Light up the Terrmian Beacon Tower
- Required Action:
- Quest Rewards:

Accept Conditions:

Have character level
0 / 1000 characters