Quests /[Event] Recruiting New Cannoneer!

[Event] Recruiting New Cannoneer!

[Event] Recruiting New Cannoneer! - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Rose is recruiting new cannoneers and has proposed a test. Hit the Pirate Scarecrow floating in the nearby sea with Coconut Cannon and Cannonball. ※ How to control a Cannon - Hold '({StringTableBind(KeyBind:Dash}' to maintain the cannon's aim. - You can control the firing degree with up, down cursor keys while holding the cannon aim. - After aiming, {StringTableBind(KeyBind:Attack1)} to fire. (You can fire farther away by holding the {StringTableBind(KeyBind:Attack1)}) ※ This quest is available only once per Family per day and resets everyday at midnight (server time).
- First Quest in Chain:
[Event] Recruiting New Cannoneer!
[Event] Recruiting New Cannoneer!
- Accept NPC:
- Complete NPC:
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Rose
Assemble Coconut Cannon
Destroy Pirate Scarecrow with Coconut Cannon
- Required Action:

Accept Conditions:

Have character level
0 / 1000 characters