Quests /[Event] Old Moon Guild Quest - Fishing II

[Event] Old Moon Guild Quest - Fishing II

[Event] Old Moon Guild Quest - Fishing II - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Enna from Old Moon Guild said it's been difficult to have a steady supply of grunt to its increasing popularity. Dry a grunt and bring it to Enna. ※ How to make dried fish Use Drying in the Processing window ({StringTableBind(KeyBind:Manufacture}) to turn fish into dried fish. ※ This is a daily quest that resets at midnight (server time) every day.
- First Quest in Chain:
[Event] Old Moon Guild Quest - Gathering
[Event] Old Moon Guild Quest - Gathering
- Accept NPC:
- Complete NPC:
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Enna
Make dried grunt
Hand over dried grunt to Enna
- Required Action:
Obtain item:
Dried Grunt
Dried Grunt
Give item:
Dried Grunt
Dried Grunt

Accept Conditions:

0 / 1000 characters