Quests /[Event] Treasure in the Sands

[Event] Treasure in the Sands

[Event] Treasure in the Sands - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
In light of the great summer festival, lots of treasures have been buried in the sands for a treasure hunt along the Terrmian shore. Let's catch some fish for Brohm who works long and hard in the sun. ※ This quest is available only once per Family and resets everyday at midnight (server time).
- First Quest in Chain:
[Event] Treasure in the Sands
[Event] Treasure in the Sands
- Accept NPC:
- Complete NPC:
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Brohm
Catch Rock Hind
Hand over Rock Hind to Brohm
- Required Action:

Accept Conditions:

Have character level
0 / 1000 characters