Quests /General /Creatures Ruining Wheat

Creatures Ruining Wheat

Creatures Ruining Wheat - BDO
  • Quest Type: Character Quest
- Description:
The Work Supervisor says their wheat farming isn't going so well and asks you to kill Plantation Stone-Shelled Crabs.
- First Quest in Chain:
Strategy of Control
Strategy of Control
- Previous Quest in Chain:
I'm Going to Develop a Crab Dish!
I'm Going to Develop a Crab Dish!
- Next Quest in Chain:
My Money is Mind
My Money is Mind
- Accept NPC:
Work Supervisor
Work Supervisor
- Complete NPC:
Work Supervisor
Work Supervisor
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Work Supervisor
Kill Plantation Stone-Shelled Crabs
- Required Action:

Accept Conditions:

Have character level
0 / 1000 characters