Quests /General /[Crossroad] [Gathering] Partner Qualifications

[Crossroad] [Gathering] Partner Qualifications

[Crossroad] [Gathering] Partner Qualifications - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Puteaux says she wants to test if you're qualified enough to be her business partner. Reach at least Gathering Skilled 3, then talk to Puteaux again. ※ This quest is available only once per Family. ※ You cannot accept the other ‘[Crossroad] [Life] Partner Qualifications‘ quests after you complete the ‘[Crossroad] [Gathering] Partner Qualifications‘ quest.
- First Quest in Chain:
Starting a Business
Starting a Business
- Previous Quest in Chain:
Attracting Investors
Attracting Investors
- Accept NPC:
- Complete NPC:
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Puteaux
Reach at least Gathering Professional 3
0 / 1000 characters