Quests /Unlocks Region /Dream Doctor's Price for Dreams

Dream Doctor's Price for Dreams

Dream Doctor's Price for Dreams - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Mission Log, Day 1. Rendezvous with the Dream Doctor. Pa here! Pu there! This is Panipani village, swarming with Papus. According to Moanna's information, the one in charge here is not a chief, but a Dream Doctor who tells one's fortune through dreams. Isn't that like fortune telling? Anyway, where is that Dream Doctor? I asked the young Papus playing war on the beach... They said with the help of the Dream Doctor, their Empress Papuraora was able to steal the Heaven's Gift from the Otter general of the Moon Grave Vessel. Empress? Moon Grave Vessel? I have no idea what that means, but Heaven's Gift? Perhaps that's the Spirit Egg, laid once in a thousand years! It's what our gang is looking for! ‘Nothing in this world is for free, pu! Pay the price for having your dream interpreted, pu!‘ Okay... I definitely agree with you. But do Papus need silver or gold bars? That'll only reveal my identity. I should go ask the young Papus playing war on the beach.
- First Quest in Chain:
Dream Doctor's Price for Dreams
Dream Doctor's Price for Dreams
- Next Quest in Chain:
Rules of the Panipani Village
Rules of the Panipani Village
- Accept NPC:
Black Spirit
- Complete NPC:
Black Spirit
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Black Spirit
Find the Dream Doctor in Panipani Village and pay the price for the dream interpretation
- Quest Rewards:

Accept Conditions:

0 / 1000 characters