Skills /Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver

Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver

Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver - BDO

Required Level: 56

Required Skill Points: 10

- Description:
Summon an illusory double of yourself with the power of the now fully-restored revered fox spirit.
Passive Q while illusory double is active to switch locations with your double
Required Skills:
Summons an illusory double when using the following skills after learning the skill. (The summoned double will not damage enemies nor taunt monsters.) - Bared Claws - Soul Tear - Flower Shroud (front) Use a skill command to switch locations with the summoned illusory double. (Unavailable at the start of Soul Tear and Foxflare.) Only one illusory double can be summoned/active at a time. You cannot summon a double while mounted.
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