Przedmioty /Dim Origin of Crimson Flame

Dim Origin of Crimson Flame

Dim Origin of Crimson Flame - BDO

Waga: 0.2 LT

- Opis:
A sphere that contains ancient scorching flames that is used to make the Flare of the Ancients. - Usage: Craft Flare of the Ancients - Crafting Method: Processing ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) - Simple Alchemy - Crafting Materials: Dim Origin of Clear Water x1 Dim Origin of Crimson Flame x1 Dim Origin of Earth x1 Ancient Spirit Dust x4 - How to Obtain: Processing ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials Essence of Nature x2 Powder of Flame x10
Przedmiot Daje Wiedzę:
- Cena kupna: 30,000
- Cena sprzedaży: 3,000
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NazwaProcessing TypeSkładnikiProdukty
Dim Origin of Crimson Flame
Dim Origin of Crimson Flame
Prosta alchemia
NazwaProcessing TypeSkładnikiProdukty
Flare of the Ancients
Flare of the Ancients
Prosta alchemia