Przedmioty /Enchanted Scroll (+15)

Enchanted Scroll (+15)

Enchanted Scroll (+15) - BDO

Waga: 0 LT

- Opis:
A scroll made by using a high-purity catalyst to amplify the effects of alchemy. Apply different alchemical formulas to obtain various results. - Usage: Craft Advice of Valks (+15) - Crafting Method: Processing ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) - Simple Alchemy - Crafting Materials: Enchanted Scroll (+15) x1 Black Stone x16 - How to Obtain: Quests, Login Rewards, or Challenges
- Cena kupna: 1,000,000
0 / 1000 characters
NazwaProcessing TypeSkładnikiProdukty
Advice of Valks (+15)
Advice of Valks (+15)
Prosta alchemia