Przedmioty /[Event] Ocean Blue Terrmina

[Event] Ocean Blue Terrmina

[Event] Ocean Blue Terrmina - BDO

Waga: 0.35 LT

- Opis:
Draw power from the Terrmian Spirit to enhance the Terrmina Earring. Enhancements with this item will not be affected by your enhancement chance. A small letter is attached with the package. ‘This is for adventurers who will make Terrmina shine. This is a secret between us! - Puri‘ - Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to start enhancement. You can exchange any Terrmina Earring above TRI (III) to another rare earring after completing a quest from Velia Marsella.
- Cena kupna: 1,000,000
- Cena sprzedaży: 100,000