Wiedza /Yolu's Records #15: Syca's Usefulness

Yolu's Records #15: Syca's Usefulness

Yolu's Records #15: Syca's Usefulness - BDO
  • Category: Yolu's Records - Adolescence
- Opis:
Since giving the lightstone to Syca, he's been coming around a lot more. Oh, who knew it would be this simple to win someone over? Syca's eyes fluttered with every glance he stole at me, utterly love-struck. I was certain, when I looked at those vibrant eyes, that Syca was completely mine. Yes, make him long for the daylight, deep in the abyss where light cannot reach. Just like a weapon that I made and controlled, you will become my hands and feet.
Atoraxxion: Amarillos
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