Wiedza /Yolu's Records #28: Reason for the Fall

Yolu's Records #28: Reason for the Fall

Yolu's Records #28: Reason for the Fall - BDO
  • Category: Yolu's Records - Adolescence
- Opis:
That day, a shower of Dark Invaders fell from the sky. But the fall of Atoraxxion was not because of the Dark Invaders... Vaha erased the Master's memory and Syca was suspected to be the one who stole the Black Stones. Syca most definitely blamed Orze. Then Vaha was quick to try to protect Orze. It never mattered that Orze worshipped the Dark Goddess in the first place. I was able to face Vaha in a calmer manner than I thought. The invaders exposed the true you, and you are no longer my idol.
Atoraxxion: Amarillos
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