Wiedza /Yolunakea Adaptation Log IV

Yolunakea Adaptation Log IV

Yolunakea Adaptation Log IV - BDO
  • Category: Yolunakea Expedition Log I
- Opis:
A sudden downpour of rain drenched my clothes thoroughly. It didn't last long, though, and I was able to dry myself in the heat of the sun. I was lucky that time, but I can't just let myself get soaked whenever it rains. I must find a way to calm my biome's climate so that I might stay permanently dry! - Yolu
Can be obtained through [Interaction] Explore Sol Magia in Yolu's Spine if you wish to know about Yolu's concern for the wet weather in Yolunakea.
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Yolunakea Adaptation Log IV
Yolunakea Adaptation Log IV