Wiedza /Saunil Siege Captain

Saunil Siege Captain

Saunil Siege Captain - BDO
  • Category: Bosses
- Opis:
The captain of the Saunils. Being atrocious, cruel and cold-hearted all at the same time, makes this one of the trickiest enemies to deal with. It is possibly the biggest obstacle in defeating the Saunils.
Saunil Siege Captain
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Saunil Siege Captain
Saunil Siege Captain
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Saunil Siege Captain
Saunil Siege Captain
Zadanie zostało zakończone:
[Boss] Saunil Siege Captain
[Boss] Saunil Siege Captain
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Saunil Siege Captain
Saunil Siege Captain
Zadanie zostało zakończone:
[Boss] Saunil Siege Captain
[Boss] Saunil Siege Captain