Wiedza /Vagabonds of Serendia

Vagabonds of Serendia

Vagabonds of Serendia - BDO
  • Category: Serendia Adventure Log IV
- Opis:
Many Vagabonds frequent the areas around the cities of Serendia. City residents often speak ill of them. They have no sympathy for these people because they moved from Heidel with all of their assets and purchased homes, only to sell them at a very low price amid the troubles exacted during the war against Calpheon. Some were trying to get the best they could out of their houses before they were destroyed during the war. The war, however, ended unexpectedly, with Heidel being annexed to Calpheon as a subordinate state. These Vagabonds who lost their homes in a mere instant have spread to different cities, moved to nearby farms, Glish, and other towns, but they are still poor. Who profited most from all of this? Exhibit A is Pietro Laiano, a building manager in Serendia.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue] Try asking one of the villagers in front of Luciano Pietro, the Heidel Guild Manager, why they are staring at Pietro.
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Vagabonds of Serendia
Vagabonds of Serendia