Wiedza /Heidelian Handcrafted Wardrobe

Heidelian Handcrafted Wardrobe

Heidelian Handcrafted Wardrobe - BDO
  • Category: Installment Tools I
- Opis:
The nobles of Heidel have beautiful clothes made of various fabrics tailored for personal use. Wardrobes to store these clothes were developed as this class of people came to need more and more clothes in their possession. These fine handcrafted wardrobes are low in stock because they are made individually by premium artisans.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue] Lebyos seems to have pride in the Heidel Wardrobe. Perhaps he might tell you something if you give it to him?
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Heidelian Handcrafted Wardrobe
Heidelian Handcrafted Wardrobe