NPC /Potwór /Watcher Offin Tett

Watcher Offin Tett

Watcher Offin Tett - BDO
  • Poziom: 62
  • HP: 1,000
  • Redukcja Obrażeń: 1998
  • Celność: 999
  • EXP: 357,964
  • Stun: 100%
  • Knock Back: 100%
  • Knock Down: 100%
  • Bound: 100%
- Opis:
Watcher Offin Tett controls the Mirumok Watcher Offin from within. Offin Tett was created when the Ancients inserted special powers into a ‘pure‘ Tett. Pure Tett is a type of special element that only the Wizards of the Godr-Ayed Thea can work with. Watcher Offin Tett and Mirumok Watcher Offin are one. Other Offin may be made of the Mirumok tree, but the Mirumok Watcher Offin is created from giant boulders, making it more hefty yet exquisite. This giant and clever Offin and Offin Tett only follow the wills of the ancient guardians and defenders since ancient times, and has served as the watcher of Mirumok Ruins all this time.
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Watcher Offin Tett
Watcher Offin Tett
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