Questy /[Event] Strong First Impression

[Event] Strong First Impression

[Event] Strong First Impression - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Opis:
The Black Spirit said you need to be strong in order to make a strong first impression and suggests you to train harder to become the strongest person alive. Talk to the Black Spirit again.
- Pierwsze Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
[Event] Health is Wealth
[Event] Health is Wealth
- Poprzednie Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
[Event] Breath Decides the Winner
[Event] Breath Decides the Winner
- Następne Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
[Event] Confidence Comes from Strength
[Event] Confidence Comes from Strength
- Akceptuj NPC:
Black Spirit
- Zakończenie NPC:
Czarny Duch
- Warunki ukończenia:
Cel ukończenia: Black Spirit
Talk to the Black Spirit and receive Fresh Juice
- Wymaga działania:
Uzyskaj poziom postaci: 1

Accept Conditions:

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