Questy /Produkcja /Khurutos Getting Drunk

Khurutos Getting Drunk

Khurutos Getting Drunk - BDO
  • Quest Type: Character Quest
- Opis:
One soldier at Delphe Outpost asks you to put Sunrise Herb into a large Khuruto pot to weaken the Khurutos' strength before a broad attack.
- Pierwsze Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
Discover the Khurutos' Weakness
Discover the Khurutos' Weakness
- Poprzednie Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
The Weakness of the Khuruto
The Weakness of the Khuruto
- Akceptuj NPC:
- Zakończenie NPC:
- Warunki ukończenia:
Cel ukończenia: Soldier
Put Sunrise Herb into the Large Khuruto Pot
- Wymaga działania:
Zdobądź wiedzę:
Large Khuruto Cauldron
Large Khuruto Cauldron

Accept Conditions:

Zadanie zostało zakończone:
The Weakness of the Khuruto
The Weakness of the Khuruto
0 / 1000 characters