Questy /Ogólne /Yaak's Sacrament

Yaak's Sacrament

Yaak's Sacrament - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Opis:
Investigator Tez says that if she goes back to town wit no results, she will surely be punished, and asks for your help. Yaak held the position of ring finger as one of the Five Rings of Illezra. Find Yaak's Sacrament and return to Tez. ※ You will need to find a clue about the Sacrament either through Conversation or Reading.
- Pierwsze Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
Illezra's Threat
Illezra's Threat
- Poprzednie Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
Collect Rough Information
Collect Rough Information
- Następne Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
Trade Manager of Tarif
Trade Manager of Tarif
- Akceptuj NPC:
Investigator Tez
Investigator Tez
- Zakończenie NPC:
Investigator Tez
Investigator Tez
- Warunki ukończenia:
Cel ukończenia: Investigator Tez
Gather Clue about Yaak
Find Yaak's Sacrament and Give It to Tez
- Wymaga działania:
Zdobądź wiedzę:
Extinguished Ferrid
Extinguished Ferrid
Przekaż przedmiot:
Sisha of Fire
Sisha of Fire

Accept Conditions:

Zadanie zostało zakończone:
Collect Rough Information
Collect Rough Information
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